K-Sports wood stocked custom rifles
aka the "hunter"
The Hunter package from K-sports came with the original wood stock. Most are serial numbered and all still have the bayonet groove. They are rearsenaled in China and are not factory or serial number specific Two thing make this rifle unique. When K-Sports negotiated this batch of rifles from China they got the front sight block right. The bayonet lug was removed right behind the front sight and THE NIPPLES FOR THE CLEANING ROD HAVE BEEN REMOVED. All wood stocked Para Hunters have the nipples removed. .
The next and most obvious is the scope rail attached to the left side of the receiver. This rail has many names. The rail to nowhere and the "Westcoast" rail. Look at this rail closely. It is held in place by two rivets. In the center there are four divets. No other rail attached to a SKS looks like this. Now comes the bad part. There is no known scope mount in the hands of collectors that will fit this rail.You would think they had a mount for this rail. If they did they are extremely rare. If you have one of these mounts shoot me some pics. So you say to your self WHOA STOP THE PRESSES the rifle in the first pic has a scope mount on it. That mount is a Navy Arms Type-89 mount milled open to fit this rail. One of three rifles I have seen set up this way. The rail to nowhere is correct.........
Again the Para Hunter has a big sister. 20 inch barrel. Again these are rearsenaled in China. Everything applies long, short and pinned barrels, matching, mismatched, scrubbed.
Note the neutered front sight block with the beveled edges. All the long barrel wood stocked fsb's look like this.
A lot of the guys that have these rifles have drilled the out the rivets on the rail and installed a Choate mount or a home made mount. Send me pics of your solution and I will post them here.
Thank you...... [email protected]
Thank you...... [email protected]